Vermont Teaching Certification
Vermont Ed. Statistics
Avg. Elem. Teacher Salary* | $63,480 |
Avg. Sec. Teacher Salary* | $66,660 |
Avg. Admin. Salary* | $91,670 |
Teacher Retention (?) | 94% |
Vacation Wks/Yr | 15 |
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Initial Vermont Teaching Certification
Vermont’s students have ranked number one in the country for reading and mathematics scores by the American Legislative Exchange Council. Leading these students to educational success are teachers dedicated to advancing their fields and creating greater opportunities for even more students.
Vermont’s educational preparation system focuses on providing would-be teachers with the skills and experience necessary to one day lead their own classes to success. If you’re interested in becoming a teacher in Vermont, what are the first steps toward certification you need to take? Find schools offering teaching certification programs in Vermont.
Education Requirements
The Vermont Department of Education (DOE) requires all candidates for teacher certification to complete teacher education programs that lead to at least bachelor’s degrees.
A teacher education program gives potential teachers opportunities to expand their understanding of educational techniques, through both in-class assignments and student teaching opportunities.
Explore a list of approved teacher education programs in Vermont here.
During their preparation programs, teacher candidates typically focus on curriculum and organizational development, in addition to picking specific endorsements for the subjects they wish to teach. There are a number of different teacher endorsement areas specified by the DOE:
- Elementary Education
- Art
- Business Education
- English
- Modern and Classical Languages
- French
- Spanish
- German
- Russian
- Latin
- Greek
- American Sign Language
- Physical Education
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Design and Technology Education
- Mathematics
- Music
- Science
- Computer Science
- Social Studies
- Junior ROTC Instructor
- Career and Technical Education
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Architecture and Construction
- Arts and Communication
- Business
- Education and Training
- Health
- Hospitality
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law and Public Safety
- Manufacturing
- Transportation
- Engineering
- Middle Grades
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Driver and Traffic Safety Education
- Health Education
- Early Childhood Education
- Theatre Arts
- Dance
- Bilingual Education
- English as a Second Language
- Educational Technology Specialist
- School Social Worker
- Cooperative Career and Technical Education Coordinator
- Library Media Specialist
- School Counselor
- School Nurse
- Associate School Nurse
- School Psychologist
- Teacher of the Blind and Visually Impaired
- Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Career and Technical Education School Counseling Coordinator
- Reading/English Language Arts Specialist
- Reading/English Language Arts Coordinator
- Early Childhood Special Educator
- Intensive Special Education Teacher
- Special Educator
- Educational Speech Language Pathologist
- Consulting Teacher
- Career and Technical Education Special Needs Coordinator
Additionally, Vermont offers two levels of teacher certification for qualified candidates.
Level I license
The Level I Beginning Educator License is the initial license teachers must possess to teach. After a period of three years, candidates may apply for a Level II professional license. Candidates who do not meet the requirements for a Level II license may renew their initial licenses.
Level II License
Experienced educators may obtain their Level II licenses by showing professional development and earning recommendations from their school districts. A Level II license is valid for seven years and may be renewed.
Initial licensure candidates must pass an academic skills assessment prior to becoming certified in Vermont.
The PRAXIS Core Academic Skills Tests measure a candidate’s knowledge and skill levels in reading, writing, and mathematics. This assessment focuses not on teaching methods or techniques, but on basic understanding of core subjects required for critical thinking.
Candidates must receive passing scores of 177 in Reading, 174 in Writing, and 175 in Mathematics to be considered for certification.
Teachers seeking certain endorsement areas must also complete PRAXIS II Subject Assessments. These tests focus on a candidate’s understanding of teaching methods and content knowledge in specific areas. Teachers seeking the following endorsements must complete PRAXIS II examinations:
- Art
- Elementary Education
- English
- English as a Second Language
- Math
- Middle School English
- Middle School Mathematics
- Middle School Science
- Middle School Social Studies
- Latin
- French
- German
- Spanish
- Music
- Physical Education
- Reading Specialist
- Science
- General Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth Science
- Physics
- Social Studies
All tests have different score requirements and fees associated with them. For more information on the tests, fees, and requirements, click here.
Experience Requirements
During their teacher education programs, candidates gain first-hand classroom experience through student teaching opportunities. Depending on the teacher education program, student teaching varies in length, but the DOE requires students to complete a minimum of 12 consecutive weeks of student teaching.
Most student teaching involves a student being paired with a professional mentor who will give them advice and guide them through entry-level teacher challenges. During their student teaching experiences, candidates gain a greater understanding of the skills and techniques needed for teachers to successfully manage a classroom.
Document and Application Requirements
After completion of all education, experience, and testing requirements, candidates are ready to submit their certification applications to the DOE.
The first step toward certification is to print and complete the certification application form. License applications take between eight to 12 weeks to process, so candidates should attempt to complete their packets as soon as they can.
Completed application packets for initial certification contain the following items:
- Application Form
- Oath to uphold U.S. and Vermont Constitutions
- Mandatory “Good Standing” Declaration Form
- Consent for Release of Registry Information Form
- Resume
- PRAXIS I and PRAXIS II scores sent from the Educational Testing Service
- Official school transcripts
- An application fee of $160 for review and processing
Candidate should submit completed application packets to the DOE at:
Vermont Department of EducationOffice of Licensing and Professional Standards
120 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05620-2501
Criminal History Background Check
All teacher certification applicants must submit to background checks and fingerprinting to be considered for candidacy.
The Application Packet contains a Request for Criminal Record Check form that must be completed and submitted with all other forms. Additionally, candidates must include a Fingerprint Authorization Certificate in addition to a $19.25 fee payable to the Vermont Department of Public Safety.
Fingerprints may be taken at Identification Centers in Vermont. For a list of certified identification centers, see the information page for the National Criminal Record Check Program.
Contact Information
For more information on teacher licensing in Vermont, contact the DOE at 802-828-2445 or reach them at [email protected].
*2019 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data – Conditions in your area may vary.
**Teacher Retention Sources – U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education, Statistics Schools and Staffing Survey, 1999–2000 (“Public School Teacher Questionnaire,” “Private School Teacher Questionnaire,” and “Public Charter School Teacher Questionnaire”),
and 2000–01 Teacher Follow-up Survey (“Questionnaire for Current Teachers” and “Questionnaire for Former Teachers,” Table 1.01). Washington, DC.
State estimations based on analysis by Richard Ingersoll, Professor of Education and Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, from the National Center for Education Statistics Student and Staffing Survey, and therefore include a slight margin of error.