Alabama Teaching Certification


Alabama Ed. Statistics

Avg. Elem. Teacher Salary*$50,270
Avg. Sec. Teacher Salary*$51,950
Avg. Admin. Salary*$83,710
Teacher Retention (?)95%
Vacation Wks/Yr15

Learn how to become a teacher in Alabama (or administrator). Choose the description of certification you are most interested in or situation that best describes you:

Getting Involved…

Investing in our future is vitally important and strangely difficult. In order to fight oppression from the greedy and power-hungry elite, to better our ways of life with advancing technology, and to increase our country’s overall views toward the concept of acceptance, we need education to be a priority. Learn how you can be a spoke in this terribly important wheel. See how Alabama measures up to the rest of the country by viewing the percentage of state revenue going toward education in each state. (see State Education Spending vs. Overall State Revenue).

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Initial Alabama Teaching Certification

The following are basic guidelines that will help you to organize yourself and streamline your efforts to effectively manage the requirements of teaching certification in Alabama. If at any point you are unsure of your next step, please contact the Alabama Department of Education at (334) 353-8567.

Education Requirements

There are 3 classes of Professional Educator Certification in Alabama – Class B, Class A and Class AA. Each class is connected with differing pay structures (exact pay will depend on the county where you wish to teach – contact your desired county to learn the exact compensation). The following are educational requirements for each certification Class (Find schools offering teaching certification programs in Alabama):

Certification AreaClass BClass AClass AA
ElementaryBachelor’s DegreeMaster’s Degree6th year program
SecondaryBachelor’s + Subject FocusMaster’s +Subject Focus6th year program + Subject Focus
Special EducationBachelor’s + Subject FocusMaster’s +Subject Focus6th year program + Subject Focus
For more information about program specifics, contact schools offering Teaching Certification Programs in Alabama.

Programs available for certification include early childhood education, elementary education, and specific teaching fields for middle-level, secondary, career and technical, preschool through grade 12, and special education.

** The certification officer from your school will help guide you through the certification application process as well as be the individual who recommends you for certification to the Alabama Department of Education.


Prior to qualifying for Alabama teaching certification, you will need to pass the Alabama Prospective Teacher Testing Program or APTTP. The APTTP is a statewide testing program to ensure new teachers are proficient in 3 basic skill areas – Mathematics, Reading, and Writing – as well as any prescribed subject or intructional support areas (e.g. Chemistry, Biology, Calculus, etc.). Subject area testing will be provided through the Praxis II subject assessment examinations. Official scores of all examinations need to be sent directly from examining organization to the Alabama Department of Education to be considered official.

To learn more about registering for the basic skills examinations and find answers to any questions you may have, contact the Alabama Department of Education Teacher Certification division at [email protected] or telephone at 334-242-9983.

To learn more about subject area assessments through the Praxis II examination, explore the Educational Testing Service website.


For the traditional approach to certification (through an Alabama teaching certification program), you will be completing a practicum that is required for the completion of your teacher education program. In order to learn more about these requirements, contact schools offering teaching certification programs in Alabama.

Criminal History Background Check

All applicants for teaching certification in Alabama will have to complete a Criminal History Background Check through the Alabama Bureau of Investigation (ABI) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The certification/licensure applicant will be fingerprinted and will need to authorize their criminal history information to be submitted for review by the Alabama Department of Education. Fees are associated with the fingerprinting service.

Locations for third party fingerprinting services will be at your local police department or through additional locations that will be disclosed through your teacher education school’s certification officer.


The deadline for sending in your application is 60 calendar months from the completion of your teacher education program.

In addition, if an incomplete application is mailed, you have 12 calendar months from the send date of the letter from the Office of Certification indicating the required materials missing from your application. If all required materials are not submitted within the 12 month period, you will need to reapply and repay the application processing fee.

Contact Information

Most information regarding teaching certification requirements and procedures can be answered by a teaching education university’s certification officer. Contact schools offering teaching certification programs in Alabama.

If you have additional questions and concerns regarding earning your teaching certification, contact the Alabama Department of Education by phone: (334) 353-8567 or through their website.

* 2019 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data – Conditions in your area may vary.

**Teacher Retention Sources – U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education, Statistics Schools and Staffing Survey, 1999–2000 (“Public School Teacher Questionnaire,” “Private School Teacher Questionnaire,” and “Public Charter School Teacher Questionnaire”),
and 2000–01 Teacher Follow-up Survey (“Questionnaire for Current Teachers” and “Questionnaire for Former Teachers,” Table 1.01). Washington, DC.

State estimations based on analysis by Richard Ingersoll, Professor of Education and Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, from the National Center for Education Statistics Student and Staffing Survey, and therefore include a slight margin of error.