Alabama Teacher Certification Renewal


Learn how to renew a Professional Educator Certification or reinstate a Professional Educator Certification in Alabama

Teaching Certification Renewal

To renew a Professional Educator Certificate (valid for 5 years) that expires June 30th, all requirements must be completed by September 1st of the same calendar year. And your application must be received by the Teacher Education and Certification Office of the Alabama Department of Education no later than December 31st of the same calendar year.


Renewal will be granted with verification of one of the following options:

  1. Three years of full-time educational experience and 50 clock hours of acceptable professional development.
  2. Three years of full-time educational experience and 3 semester hours of acceptable credit.
  3. 50 clock hours of acceptable professional development and 3 semester hours of acceptable credit.
  4. 6 semester hours of acceptable credit.
  5. Certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) earned during the valid period of the Professional Educator Certificate that you currently hold.

Contact the Alabama Department of Education at (334) 353-8567 to learn more about your options and/or download the certification renewal application off of the Alabama Department of Education website.

Reinstatement of Certification

To reinstate an expired Professional Educator Certificate with a valid period beginning July 1st, you will need to validate it by meeting requirements prior to September 1st. And your application must be received by the Teacher Education and Certification Office fo the Alabama Department of Education no later than December 31st of the same calendar year.


A Professional Educator Certification may be reinstated with verification of one of the following options:

  1. 9 semester hours of acceptable credits earned within last 5 years.
  2. 6 semester hours of acceptable credits and 50 clock hours of acceptable professional development earned with the last 5 years.

Contact the Alabama Department of Education at (334) 353-8567 to learn more about your options and to request application materials.