Alternative Teaching Certification in Texas


The Texas Education Agency offers Alternative Certification Programs (ACP) for teacher certification applicants who do not meet the traditional qualifications.

Interested in learning about the traditional approach? Contact schools offering teaching certification programs in Texas.

Alternative Certification Requirements

Education Requirements

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You must find an approved ACP, included in this database of state-approved teacher preparation programs. ACPs in Texas are located within colleges, universities, community colleges, school districts, online, education service centers, and private agencies.

You must then meet enrollment requirements of your chosen ACP. These vary depending on the ACP you choose. You must hold at least a bachelor’s degree to enter into any Texas ACP. Other educational requirements for enrollment may be based on having a certain GPA and/or meeting other educational/content area knowledge requirements.

Most ACPs offer intensive, sometimes accelerated classroom training while you work in a Texas school. You must complete all requirements, educational, examination and experience, before becoming certified to teach in Texas via an ACP.



Each ACP has its own examination requirements, which usually include passing a basic skills test and content area tests for the subjects you plan to teach.


No matter which ACP you choose, part of your program will be an internship in which you will be working in a Texas classroom at the grade level and within the subject area of your choice. The experience you gain during your ACP is valuable and will help you gain full certification at the end of your program.

Criminal History Background Check

Before you will be allowed to work in any Texas school, you must undergo a federal criminal history background check, including fingerprinting. The Texas Department of Public Safety uses live scan technology to achieve electronic capture and submission of fingerprints. This is called the Fingerprint Applicant Service of Texas (FAST). Through this system your prints are run through the Federal Bureau of Investigation. For more information, contact the Texas Department of Public Safety Crime Records Service at 512- 424-2478.

Contact Information

For information on alternative certification programs in Texas, contact the colleges and universities offering them.