Washington DC Teacher Reciprocity Agreements
The District of Columbia provides avenues for teachers in all states to use their current credentials to apply for teaching certification in the nation’s capital. However, all credentials will be evaluated and deficiencies may exist that will need to be completed prior to qualifying for full licensure. For more information on the process of certification, explore the District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education website.
The following are member states of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement who have signed reciprocity agreements with Washington DC.
Alabama | Indiana | Nevada | South Carolina |
Arizona | Kansas | New Hampshire | South Dakota |
Arkansas | Kentucky | New Jersey | Tennessee |
California | Louisiana | New Mexico | Texas |
Colorado | Maine | New York | Utah |
Connecticut | Maryland | North Carolina | Virginia |
Delaware | Massachusetts | North Dakota | Vermont |
Florida | Michigan | Ohio | Washington |
Georgia | Mississippi | Oklahoma | West Virginia |
Hawaii | Missouri | Oregon | Wisconsin |
Idaho | Montana | Pennsylvania | Wyoming |
Illinois | Nebraska | Rhode Island |