Utah Teacher Certification Renewal


Learn how to renew a Professional Educator Certification or reinstate a Professional Educator Certification in Utah

Teaching Certification Renewal

After three years, Level 1 License holders must either upgrade to a Level 2 License or renew their Level 1 Licenses.

Renewing a Level 1 License

If candidates have not completed three years of teaching experience, they are not eligible to upgrade to a Level 2 License and must renew. In order to renew your Level 1 License, you must show you’ve completed 100 points of professional development. Professional development points are awarded based on coursework, conferences, or workshops. A full list of professional development activities may be found here.

Candidates for Level 1 License renewal must complete a renewal application to be eligible. Candidates should list their professional development activities and experience.

After completing the renewal application, candidates should send it, including a $75 application fee to the Utah State Office of Education at:

Utah State Office of Education
PO Box 144200
250 East 500 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114

Upgrading to a Level 2 License

If Level 1 License holders have completed three years of teacher experience, they are eligible to upgrade to a Level 2 License. During their time spent as Level 1 License holders, candidates also complete Entry Years Enhancement (EYE) requirements to earn Level 2 Licenses.

The EYE program lets candidates develop a professional portfolio that documents their achievements and experience as teachers. These portfolios provide evidence of growth and development of teaching strategies.

Additionally, candidates must pass PRAXIS II – Principles of Learning and Teaching Tests in their desired content areas. Candidates may verify they meet all EYE requirements through the verification form.

Level 2 Licenses may be renewed once every five years indefinitely. Candidates must show they have completed 200 hours of professional development points in order to be eligible for renewal. A full list of qualified development activities may be found here. When candidates meet all requirements for renewal, they should complete a renewal application.

Upgrading to a Level 3 License

Utah offers qualified candidates an additional license level above Levels 1 and 2. If candidates have earned a doctorate in education, or certification from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) they are eligible for a Level 3 License.

Candidates seeking a Level 3 License must submit transcripts showing completion of a doctorate program in addition to a letter requesting an upgrade to a Level 3 License to the Utah State Office of Education at:

Teaching and Learning – Licensing
Attn: Level 3 Upgrades
Utah State Office of Education
250 East 500 South
PO Box 144200
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114

Candidates must include a $75 processing fee in the form of a check.

Reinstatement of Certification

Candidates whose licenses have expired may apply for a Return to Licensure.

Candidates must pass a background check and ethics review, and complete a professional development plan detailing their plans to improve their knowledge, skills, and abilities to teach. Candidates should complete the application form and mail it and a $65 application fee to:

Teaching and Learning – Licensing
Attn: Diane De Man
250 East 500 South
P.O. Box 144200
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200