Utah Administration/Principal Certification


For Utah educators looking to move into leadership positions at their schools, the Utah State Office of Education (http://www.schools.utah.gov/main/) offers routes to administration certification. School administrators are qualified individuals trained in school management and leadership, guiding their schools to become better institutions of education.

Education Requirements

Candidates for administrative concentrations in Utah must already hold their Level 2 Teaching Licenses (if you are a teacher with a Level 1 Teaching License, see Utah Teacher Certification Renewal).

In order to obtain an administrative license area of concentration, candidates must obtain master’s degrees in education, in addition to completing an administrator preparation program. During their preparation programs, potential administrators study management concepts, learning what kinds of skills they need to effectively communicate with staff, develop school-wide programs, and lead in times of crisis.

Learn more about the graduate school process. Contact schools offering educational administration degree programs in Utah.


To be eligible for an administrative concentration, candidates must pass one of two examinations. The Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision exam covers curriculum design and instruction improvement for potential administrators. This exam tests a candidate’s knowledge of staff development and program implementation, in additional to group leadership skills. The Utah State Office of Education requires candidates to receive a score of 151 to be eligible for certification.

Candidates may also complete the School Leaders Licensure Assessment to earn certification. This test examines a candidate’s knowledge of organizational and education systems, asking them to outline their visions and goals for a school. Candidates must earn scores of at least 163 to pass certification requirements.

Experience Requirements

In order to become administrators, candidates must have completed at least three years of experience as professional teachers. Additionally, candidates must complete administrative internships to qualify.

Utah standards dictate that administrative candidates complete a minimum of 450 hours of supervised administrative experience. During their internships, candidates for certification gain first-hand experience in administrative positions at both elementary and secondary school levels.

Their internship experiences give potential administrators opportunities to understand school community, and collaborate with faculty and students to develop educational programs.

Document and Application Requirements

During their administrator preparation programs, candidates for certification complete application forms. These forms are then forwarded to the Utah State Office of Education.

Different programs will have specific rules and requirements for their application processes, so you should meet with your academic adviser to learn more.

Criminal History Background Check

All candidates for administrative certification in Utah must undergo fingerprinting and background checking to ensure they are eligible to lead their schools.

Utah offers an online background check process. Candidates should choose the “LiveScan” electronic fingerprint option, and print out the Microsoft Word documents detailing the rest of the process. Accessing the documents costs $74 payable by debit or credit card.

Contact Information

For more information on adding an administrative area of concentration to your license, contact the Utah State Office of Education at 801-538-7740.

Candidates may visit the office in person at:

Utah State Office of Education
PO Box 144200
250 East 500 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114