Pennsylvania Teacher Reciprocity Agreements

Through the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement, Pennsylvania allows individuals who have completed a teacher preparation program, or who have already become teachers in other states, to be awarded Pennsylvania teaching certification through reciprocity. Requirements of candidates through reciprocity are the following:

  • Been awarded a baccalaureate degree.
  • Completed a state-approved teacher education program, including a supervised student teaching experience, leading to a comparable or broader certificate in the member state.
  • Received the recommendation from the certification officer at the college or university on an application form designated by this Bureau.
  • Complied with all ancillary requirements, including Pennsylvania tests and 3.0 GPA. Six credits in math and six credits in English are also required for full certification.
  • Met all Pennsylvania requirements related to citizenship as well as moral, ethical and physical/mental fitness.

For more information about the process of earning teaching certification through reciprocity, explore the Pennsylvania Department of Education website, or call 717-728-3224.

The following are member states of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement who have signed reciprocity agreements with Pennsylvania.

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