North Dakota Teacher Reciprocity Agreements

For out-of-state teachers, North Dakota accepts valide teacher certification from other states as proof of your qualifications to teach in the state of North Dakota (unless your state has less stringent requirements for basic skills or subject examinations). To learn more about the process of gaining your teaching certification via reciprocity, explore the North Dakota Department of Education website, or call (701) 328-9641.

The following are member states of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement who have signed reciprocity agreements with North Dakota.

Alabama Kansas New Jersey Utah
Arizona LouisianaNew Mexico Vermont
Arkansas MaineNew York Virginia
California Maryland North Carolina Washington
Colorado Massachusetts Oklahoma West Virginia
Delaware Michigan OregonWisconsin
Florida Mississippi PennsylvaniaWyoming
Georgia Missouri Rhode Island 
HawaiiMontana South Carolina 
Idaho Nebraska South Dakota 
Illinois Nevada Tennessee 
Indiana New Hampshire Texas