North Carolina Teacher Reciprocity Agreements

For out-of-state teachers, North Carolina offers the SP1 Professional Certification and the SP2 Professional Certification. If you have completed a teacher preparation program, fulfilled examination requirements, acquired a valid certification in your state, but have completed less than 3 years of experience, you will apply for an SP1 Certification. If you have completed 3 years or more of teaching experience, you will need to apply for an SP2 Certification. For more information about the process of certification, explore the North Carolina State Board of Education website, or call 919-807-3310.

The following are member states of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement who have signed reciprocity agreements with North Carolina.

AlabamaIndianaNew HampshireTennessee
ArizonaKansasNew JerseyTexas
ArkansasLouisianaNew MexicoUtah
CaliforniaMaineNew YorkVermont
ColoradoMarylandNorth DakotaVirginia
DelawareMichiganOklahomaWest Virginia
HawaiiMontanaRhode Island
IdahoNebraskaSouth Carolina
IllinoisNevadaSouth Dakota