North Carolina Substitute Teaching License


The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction does not require substitute teachers to be licensed.

Substitute teaching experience can apply to your experience requirements for teacher licensure in North Carolina if it is verified and if you are recommended for licensure by the employing school system.

Education Requirements

Each Local Education Agency (LEA) sets its own educational requirements for substitute teachers. Most require that potential substitutes have at least a high school diploma and attend in-service training for substitute teachers.

Want to learn how to earn a professional teaching certification? Contact schools offering teaching certification programs in North Carolina.


Each Local Education Agency (LEA) sets its own experience requirements for substitute teachers. Some may prefer to hire substitutes who have experience working with children, while others may not require this. Check with your LEA for its rules.

Criminal History Background Check

Most LEAs will require you to complete an Employee Background Authorization and Release form to begin the process of a criminal history background check. They may run such a check through statewide or federal agencies. This may require fingerprinting. Check with your LEA for its procedures for substitute teachers.

Contact Information

Contact the LEA that serves the school district in which you wish to substitute teach for more information on its requirements and the application process.