New York Substitute Teaching License


In most school districts, substitute teachers are not required to hold a certificate.

Some school districts; however, do impose requirements on substitutes. Check with your district for its specific rules. The New York City Board of Education, for example, requires all of its substitute teachers to hold a license (issued by that Board).

Education Requirements

If you do not have a New York teaching certificate and are not enrolled in a teacher preparation program: You may only work 40 days per school year as a substitute teacher in any given New York school district.

Want to learn how to earn a professional teaching certification? Contact schools offering teaching certification programs in New York.

If you do not yet have a New York teaching certificate but are enrolled in a teacher preparation program: You may work an unlimited number of hours in any New York school district. If you substitute teach long term (40 days or more in one teaching position), you must be working towards certification in the area in which you are substituting.

If you currently hold a New York teaching certificate: You may work an unlimited number of hours in any New York school district.



No experience is necessary if you work fewer than 40 days per school year in any one New York school district. If you work a long-term position (more than 40 days per school year), you must have either student teaching experience or teaching experience under a New York teaching certificate.

Criminal History Background Check

Before you are allowed to substitute teach in any New York school, you must be fingerprinted and go through a criminal history background check. Your fingerprints will be submitted through the FBI and the Division of Criminal Justice Services. You will be given the necessary forms and fingerprint cards when you apply for a substitute teacher position, as well as instructions on how to complete and submit them.

Contact Information

Your local school district can provide you with more information on substitute teaching opportunities.