New York Administration/Principal Certification


The New York State Department of Education issues School Administration and Supervision certificates at the Pre K-12 level. This may be at the level of School Building Leader (Principal) or School District Leader (Superintendent).

Education Requirements

School Building Leader:
You must complete a state-approved preparation program for school administrators and receive an institutional recommendation from the program. You must also obtain a master’s degree from an accredited college/university.

Learn more about the graduate school process. Contact schools offering educational administration degree programs in New York.

Featured Programs:
Sponsored School(s)

School District Leader:
You must complete a state-approved preparation program for school administrators and receive an institutional recommendation from the program. You must also obtain a master’s degree from an accredited college/university, and complete an additional 60 hours of graduate coursework.


School Building Leader:
You must pass Parts 1 and 2 of the New York State Teacher Certification Exam – School Building Leader.

School District Leader:
You must pass Parts 1 and 2 of the New York State Teacher Certification Exam – School District Leader.

Experience Requirements

School Building Leader:
You must have at least three years of full-time teaching experience.

School District Leader:
You must have at least three years of full-time school administration and/or teaching experience.

Document and Application Requirements

Once you meet the educational, experience and examination requirements, you may apply for one of these administrative certificates online through the TEACH system. Pay all application fees online. Make sure to mail the following documents to the Office of Teaching Initiatives of the New York State Department of Education:

Mail these documents to the New York State Education Department, Office of Teaching Initiatives, Room 5N-EB, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany NY 12234.

Criminal History Background Check

You must undergo a criminal history background check and fingerprinting as an applicant for administrative certification in New York. Fill out the Authorization to Forward Criminal History to NYCBOE, the Authorization to Forward Criminal History to NYSED, and fingerprint cards, which will be forwarded to the FBI. Instructions are available here.

After being fingerprinted at a local law enforcement agency, forward the completed fingerprint cards along with required fees, to Fingerprint Processing, NYS Education Department, PO Box 7352, Albany, NY 12224.

Your fingerprints will be run through the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). When these checks are cleared, your administrative certificate will be issued if you meet all other requirements for certification.

Contact Information

For more information on New York administrator preparation programs, search this database.

For more information on administrator certification in New York, contact the New York State Education Department Office of Teaching Initiatives at 518-474-3901.