Alternative Teaching Certification in Nevada


The Nevada Department of Education offers alternate special qualifications licensure for applicants who may not fit the traditional teacher mold. Two programs are currently approved by the Department: Mountain Pacific Troops to Teachers (TTT) and Business and Industry Adult Career and Technical Education license.

Interested in learning about the traditional approach? Contact schools offering teaching certification programs in Nevada.

Alternative Certification Requirements

Education Requirements

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You must have at least a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college/university to enter this program. Once enrolled, you will complete all educational requirements for teacher licensure within two years.

Business and Industry:

To earn this license you must have at least a high school diploma and hold a license issued by the appropriate Nevada licensing board, as applicable. It is valid for teaching 7th grade to Adult in Career and Technical Education only.

If you do not have the required experience (see below), you may claim any of the following educational avenues as equivalent to one year of qualified employment:

  • 16 semester credits from an accredited/licensed postsecondary institution
  • 250 hours of training from an accredited/ licensed postsecondary institution
  • 2,000 hours of part-time employment
  • 1,000 hours of pre-planned employment (including on-the-job training or an apprenticeship)

Before the first renewal of your Business and Industry license, you must complete 12 credits as follows:

  • 3 semester hours in professional career and technical education courses
  • 3 semester hours in a teaching methodology for technical education course
  • 3 semester hours in applied/work-based learning
  • 3 semester hours in student organization management in technical education



In any alternative license program, you have two years from the date the license is issued to complete testing requirements. These include passing the Praxis I Basic Skills Exam , Principles of Learning and Teaching Exam , and the Praxis II exam for your area of endorsement.


You should have at least six years of military service before enrolling in TTT. You must be retired or honorably discharged from active military duty or the military reserve to participate in TTT.

Business and Industry:

You need five years of qualifying employment in the endorsement area you wish to have on your license. Three of these years may be met through education (as stated above). Additional experience requirements for certain endorsements may be found here.

Criminal History Background Check

All applicants for first-time teaching licenses in Nevada must submit to a criminal background check, which includes fingerprinting. Fingerprint cards will be provided to you by your alternative education program, school or by the Department of Education. Visit your closest law enforcement agency offering fingerprinting services and complete both cards. Mail them along with the completed Fingerprint Authorization Form and both cards to one of the following Licensure Offices within the Nevada Department of Education: Northern Office, 700 East Fifth St., Suite 105, Carson City, NV 89701-5096; or Southern Office, 9890 South Maryland Parkway, Suite 231, Room 23405, Las Vegas, NV 89183. Once the FBI runs your fingerprints, they will report the results to the Nevada Department of Education.

Contact Information

For more information on Troops to Teachers, contact Myles Judd, Nevada State Director of the
Mountain Pacific Region Troops to Teachers, at 719-271-6234 or via email at
[email protected].

If you need further information on Business and Industry licensing, contact the Nevada Department of Education’s Licensure Office at 702-486-6458.