Alternative Teaching Certification in Nebraska


Alternative teaching certification programs are well suited to those who may already be in the work force and changing careers, as well as for recent college graduates who did not study education but who now wish to teach. Several Nebraska colleges and universities offer alternative teacher preparation programs. The most popular program is the Transition to Teaching Program (TTT).

Interested in learning about the traditional approach? Contact schools offering teaching certification programs in Nebraska.

Alternative Certification Requirements

Education Requirements

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  • You must have a bachelor’s degree to enroll in any alternative certification program
  • You must have completed 75 percent of the courses necessary for endorsement in a specific content/subject area
  • You must complete a pre-teaching seminar that covers topics such as classroom management, diversity, and curriculum planning

You will then take the professional teaching courses necessary for initial certification while working in a participating school system under a Transitional Teaching Certificate. Some of these courses may be offered online, depending upon the institution and program. When applying for a Transitional Teaching Certificate you must include the Courses Required for Completion form signed by your school’s certification officer.



You must pass the Praxis I Basic Skills Exam prior to initial teacher certification.


In TTT, you must complete one semester of student teaching after completing the educational requirements. Most alternative certification programs have a similar requirement.

In most alternative teaching certification programs (such as TTT), you work at a participating school system under a Transitional Teaching Certificate while completing the necessary requirements for initial teacher certification.

Criminal History Background Check

If you have not lived in Nebraska for the past five years: When you are applying to work under a Transitional Teaching Certificate while completing an alternative certification program, you must submit two fingerprint cards provided to you by the Nebraska Department of Education along with your application.

If you have lived in Nebraska continuously for the past five years: you are exempt from the fingerprinting requirement.

Contact Information

For more information on alternative certification programs in Nebraska, contact the colleges and universities housing them or the Certification Office of the Nebraska Department of Education at 402-471-2295.