Montana Teacher Reciprocity Agreements
The state of Montana offers teachers from out-of-state two options for Montana teacher certification. The first option is the Standard Certification and will be issued to those with a Bachelor’s degree and verification of an out-of-state certification. The second option is the Professional Certification and is issued to individuals who hold a master’s degree and can provide verification of their teaching certification from out-of-state as well as proof of at least 3 years of teaching experience.
For more information about the process of certification in Montana, explore the Montana Office of Public Instruction website or call 406.444.3150.
The following are member states of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement who have signed reciprocity agreements with Montana.
Alabama | Indiana | Nevada | South Carolina |
Arizona | Kansas | New Hampshire | South Dakota |
Arkansas | Kentucky | New Jersey | Tennessee |
California | Louisiana | New Mexico | Texas |
Colorado | Maine | New York | Utah |
Connecticut | Maryland | North Carolina | Vermont |
Delaware | Massachusetts | North Dakota | Virginia |
Florida | Michigan | Ohio | Washington |
Georgia | Mississippi | Oklahoma | West Virginia |
Hawaii | Missouri | Oregon | Wisconsin |
Idaho | Montana | Pennsylvania | Wyoming |
Illinois | Nebraska | Rhode Island |