Alternative Teaching Certification in Missouri


Do you already have a bachelor’s degree in an area other than education, but wish to become a certified teacher in Missouri? You may be eligible for alternative teacher certification, allowing you to attend classes necessary to earn your certification while teaching at the same time.

Interested in learning about the traditional approach? Contact schools offering teaching certification programs in Missouri.

Alternative Certification Requirements

Education Requirements

There is a variety of alternative certification programs available at many Missouri colleges and universities, listed here. Their enrollment requirements vary, but all include possession of a bachelor’s degree with a major in an area other than education. In most of these programs, you must complete about 30 semester hours of college courses in educator preparation before you will be issued an initial certificate.



You must pass the same basic skills (Missouri Content Assessments) examinations as traditionally certified teachers. The basic skills exam may be required prior to entrance into some of the programs, while the Missouri Content Assessments may be a requirement for exiting the program and getting initial teaching certification in Missouri.


Most alternative certification programs in Missouri do not require any specific experience in order to enroll. Once enrolled, you will work under a Provisional Teaching Certificate in a Missouri school district while completing your educator preparation courses and assessments. At the end of the two-year alternative certification program, you will be eligible to apply for an Initial Teaching Certificate.

Criminal History Background Check

All teachers, no matter what their education route, must pass a criminal history background check before being allowed to work with Missouri students. You will receive further information about this check and the process in your alternative certification program. L-1 Enrollment Services (866-522‐7067) will perform a LiveScan electronic fingerprint capture. Your Provisional Certificate, allowing you to teach while completing your educator preparation program, will not be issued until the Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education receives your cleared background check

Contact Information

For more information on alternative certification programs in Missouri, contact the institutions offering them.