Maryland Teacher Certification Renewal


Learn how to renew a Professional Educator Certification or reinstate a Professional Educator Certification in Maryland

Maryland Teaching Certification Renewal

In order to keep your Maryland teaching certification current, you must meet Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements. This will require you to develop an individualized professional development plan. You must complete six hours of CPD every five years to renew your teaching certificate. School systems will offer CPD courses to teachers through their CPD liaison.

You will be assigned a renewal month, either January or July. Your teaching certificate would then be renewed in January or July of every fifth year. Administrative renewal fees are $10.

Reading Requirement

All Maryland teachers must fulfill the MSDE Reading requirement in order to keep their certification valid. This is a one-time requirement for all current and prospective Maryland teachers.

  • Early childhood and elementary teachers must complete 12 hours in reading coursework
  • Middle and high school teachers must complete 6 hours in reading coursework
  • Courses may be taken at MDSE-approved two- and four- year colleges and universities

If you work for a Maryland school system, they will handle the teacher certification renewal process. If you are not currently working for a school system in Maryland but wish to renew your Maryland teaching certification, submit the following to Maryland State Department of Education, Certification Branch, 200 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD 21201:

  • Cover letter with your name, address and social security number
  • Official, unopened transcripts showing six college/university credits or MSDE CPD credits earned within the past five years, as well as proof that you’ve satisfied the reading requirement
  • $10 check or money order payable to MSDE

The Certification Branch will process your renewal request and mail your renewed certificate to your address.

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Reinstatement of Certification

If you hold a Maryland teaching certificate that is no longer valid and wish to have it reinstated, submit the following to MSDE at the above address:

  • Cover letter with your name, address, social security number, e-mail address, certificate type, and valid dates of the last certificate issued.
  • Photocopy of your last valid teaching certificate (if available)
  • Official unopened transcript(s) showing completion of six college/university credits or MSDE CPD credits earned within the past five years
  • Reading requirement credits must be satisfied if not already met

If all of the requirements for reinstatement are satisfied, MSDE will notify you via email. Any additional requirement that need to be met for reinstatement to occur will be sent to you in an evaluation.

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