Alternative Teaching Certification in Maryland


Do you have a bachelor’s degree in a field other than education, but wish to pursue a career as a public school teacher?

Interested in learning about the traditional approach? Contact schools offering teaching certification programs in Maryland.

Are you an ex-military member looking to become a teacher?

Are you a recent college graduate wishing to begin teaching and receive a salary while completing your teacher preparation program?

If any of these scenarios fit your situation, you’re a candidate for Maryland Alternative Teaching Certification.

Education Requirements

In order to qualify for Maryland’s alternative teaching certification route, you must:

  • Hold at least a bachelor’s degree in any field other than education
  • Fulfill one of the following requirements:
    • Pass an examination (listed below) and have an overall GPA of 2.75 or higher
    • Complete a major matching the area in which you seek certification with a GPA of 2.75 or higher in that major
    • Complete 30 hours of study in the area in which you seek certification, regardless of your major, with a GPA of 2.75 or higher in those 30 credit hours
  • After satisfying the above requirements, you qualify for entrance into a Maryland Approved Alternative Preparation Program (MAAPP).



If you opt to take an examination to fulfill the educational requirement for entrance into a MAAPP, you must pass a Basic Skills examination (such as Praxis I, SAT, ACT or GRE) as well as a Praxis II examination in the content area in which you seek certification.


All MAAPPs programs will require you to participate in an internship through local school system that supports the respective program. Internships may last from four to eight weeks, dependant upon your school system’s requirements.

  • After completing the internship, your superintendent will recommend that you receive a Resident Teacher Certificate (RTC), valid for no more than two years.
  • You may transition from a RTC to a Standard Professional Certificate I (SPC-I) once you have completed the MAAPP program requirements, passed all necessary Praxis II examinations, completed the reading requirement, been evaluated by your school’s principal, and your superintendent has made a request for your transition from RTC to SPC-I

Criminal History Background Check

Once hired by a Maryland school system, all prospective Maryland teachers must submit to a criminal history background check. Complete an Application for Criminal History Records Check from the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (this will be provided to you by your school system. You’ll also be required to sign a complete Disclosure Statement in which you must disclose any criminal history.

As part of the background check, you will be required to submit to fingerprinting through one of these approved Maryland fingerprinting locations and pay the fees associated with fingerprinting services. Your application will be processed through the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services and results will be forwarded to MDSE.

Contact Information

For more information about Maryland Alternative Teaching Certification programs, contact one of the state-approved MAAPPs or the Maryland State Department of Education’ s MAAPP coordinator at 410-767-5654.