Alternative Teaching Certification in Louisiana


Louisiana’s alternative teaching certification programs lead to teacher certification for those who do not hold a degree in education. Three types of alternative certification programs currently exist: the Practitioner Teaching Program, the Master’s Degree Program, and the Certification –Only Program. All of these programs allow you to work as a teacher while completing your certification requirements.

Interested in learning about the traditional approach? Contact schools offering teaching certification programs in Louisiana.

Alternative Certification Requirements

Education Requirements

All three programs require that you first have at least a bachelor’s degree in a field other than education. You must also have a 2.2 to 2.5 GPA to enroll in each program.

Practitioner Teaching Program: Once enrolled in the program, you must complete:

  • 9-12 hours of coursework in teaching methodology and knowledge of the learner/learning environment, as well as two 3-hour seminars

Master’s Degree Program: Once enrolled in the program, you must complete:

  • 15 hours in knowledge of the learner/learning environment
  • 12-15 hours in teaching methodology

Certification-Only Program: Once enrolled in the program, you must complete:

  • 80 contact hours of classroom readiness training
  • 12 hours in knowledge of the learner/learning environment
  • 6 hours in methodology and teaching



You must pass the Praxis I and II exams pertinent to your intended area of certification prior to entering any alternative teaching certification program.

Criminal History Background Check

Before any Louisiana school district will hire you, you must submit to a criminal history background check. This is performed at both state and federal levels through the Louisiana Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information, as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and requires you to provide fingerprints. Instructions will be given to you at the time you apply for a position within a Louisiana school.

Contact Information

For information on available teaching positions in Louisiana, contact the Recruitment Division.
For more information on alternative teaching certification programs in Louisiana, contact the Division of Certification at 877-453-2721.

Contact colleges/universities in Louisiana offering alternative teaching certification programs for information.