Kentucky Administration/Principal Certification


The Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board issues administrative certification to qualified candidates interested in becoming School Principals or Superintendents.

Education Requirements

Instructional Leadership – School Principal

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Instructional Leadership – School Principal

  • You must pass two exams: one on your ability to apply knowledge, as well as skills of instructional leadership, supervision and management; and another on the Kentucky public education system’s current administrative and instructional practices. (You are also expected to have already passed Praxis I and II, as you have already held a Kentucky teaching certificate).


  • No additional assessments are required for superintendent certification (but you must have passed the two assessments required for school principal, plus Praxis I and II to hold a statement of teaching eligibility).

Experience Requirements

Instructional Leadership – School Principal

  • Three years of full-time teaching experience
  • After fulfilling the above requirements, you will receive a Level I Statement of Eligibility. You must then become hired by a Kentucky school district, complete one year internship in the Kentucky Principal Internship Program (KPIP); after completion, you will receive a Level II School Principal Certificate valid for five years.


  • Two years of full-time experience as a school principal, guidance counselor, supervisor of instruction, director of special education, director of pupil personnel, local district coordinator of vocational education, school business administrator, or as a supervisor, coordinator or administrator of district-wide services
  • You must also hold a valid statement of eligibility for a Kentucky teaching certificate
  • Completed Levels I and II of school principal preparation/certification in Kentucky

Document and Application Requirements

To apply for Principal or Superintendent Certification, use the Application for Kentucky Certification form. Complete Section I, and have your school superintendent complete Section II to verify your employment experience. The institution where you completed your administrator preparation program must complete Section IV. In addition:

  • Make sure that the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board has your Praxis I and II scores. If not, ask Educational Testing Service (ETS) to forward them
  • Attach official copies of your college transcripts
  • Attach check or money order for payment of application fees, payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer

Mail all of the above to Division of Certification, Education Professional Standards Board
100 Airport Road, 3rd Floor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.

Criminal History Background Check

The Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board does not require a criminal history background check to be performed for certification purposes. However, once you are hired by a Kentucky school district, you must undergo this check. Usually, the Administrative Office of the Courts online system is used by Kentucky school districts to do the background check. Applications for background checks are also accepted via mail or in-person. For more information, contact the Administrative Office of the Courts at AOC Records Unit, 100 Millcreek Park, Frankfort, KY 40601 or by phone at 800-928-6381.

Contact Information

For more information on administrator certification in Kentucky, contact the Division of Certification at 502-564-4606 or 888-598-7667.