Alternative Teaching Certification in Kentucky


The Kentucky Education Professional Standards Boards offers eight alternative options for teacher certification.

Interested in learning about the traditional approach? Contact schools offering teaching certification programs in Kentucky.

These routes are specifically designed for non-traditional applicants who have already been in the work force and desire a career change, or were former military personnel. Alternative routes are as follows:

Alternative Certification Requirements

Education Requirements

Option 1:You must have a bachelor’s degree with a major in the area in which you wish to become certified (or pass the Praxis II in that area – see below), with a 2.5 overall GPA.

Option 2: You must have a bachelor’s degree with a 2.5 overall GPA, and have either 30 hours of college credit in the area in which you wish to become certified or five years of exceptional work experience in that area (see below).

Option 3: You must have a master’s degree in the area in which you seek certification, and 90 semester hours of college credit in the area in which you wish to become certified or five years of full-time teaching experience in that area (see below).

Option 4: If you are pursuing elementary certification, you must have a bachelor’s degree with a 2.5 overall GPA. If you are pursuing middle or secondary certification, you must have an overall GPA of 2.5 and a 2.5 GPA in the major/content area in which you wish to become certified to teach.

Option 5: You must have at least a bachelor’s degree with an overall GPA of 2.5.

Option 6:You must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree and meet the admission standards of the college/university housing the alternative certification program.

Option 7: You must hold a bachelor’s degree in the area in which you wish to become certified to teach, with a 3.0 overall GPA. You must enroll in a Kentucky college/university offering this program.

Option 8: You must have a bachelor’s degree.



Option 1: If your major is not in the content area in which you wish to become certified to teach, you must pass the Praxis II for that area.

Option 2: You must pass the Praxis II exams for the content area(s) in which you wish to become certified.

Option 3: No specific examinations are required to enter this program.

Option 4: No specific examinations are required to enter this program.

Option 5: You must pass the Praxis II exams for the content area(s) in which you wish to become certified.

Option 6: You must pass the Praxis I exam prior to entrance into the college or university if requested, and the Praxis II exam in your content area(s).

Option 7: You must score at least a 500 on the verbal section of the GRE. If you wish to teach math or science, you must also score 450 on the quantitative section of the GRE. (If you already have a graduate degree, you need not take the GRE). You must also pass the Praxis II exam for your area of certification.

Option 8: You must pass the Praxis II exam(s) in the area(s) in which you wish to become certified.


Option 1: You must have at least 10 years of documented exceptional work experience after receiving your bachelor’s degree, and provide 3 to 5 recommendations from former employers. You must also have an offer of employment in a Kentucky school district prior to entering this program.

Option 2: If you do not have 30 hours of college credit in the area in which you wish to become certified, you must have 5 years of documented exceptional work experience in that area. You must also have an offer of employment from a Kentucky school district prior to entering this program.

Option 3: If you do not have 90 semester hours of college credit in your academic certification area, you must have 5 years of full-time teaching experience in that area.

Option 4: You must have expertise in the area in which you wish to become certified, along with the requisite education in that area. You must also have a part-time offer of employment in a Kentucky school district prior to enrolling in the program. This route never leads to full teacher certification.

Option 5: You must have at least six years of active military duty and an honorable release or discharge.

Option 6: You must have an offer of employment at a Kentucky school district prior to entering the program. Additionally, you must complete all requirements of the program in three years while teaching full-time.

Option 7: You must have an offer of employment at a Kentucky school district prior to entering the program. You will receive a one-year Temporary Provisional Teaching Certificate renewable for three years.

Option 8: You will be placed in a school district in Eastern Kentucky (Appalachia). Geographic areas and content areas available are listed here. You must teach in this district for at least two years while completing the program.

Criminal History Background Check

When you are hired by a Kentucky school, you must undergo a criminal history background check. This is typically performed through the Administrative Office of the Courts. For more information, contact the Administrative Office of the Courts at AOC Records Unit, 100 Millcreek Park, Frankfort, KY 40601 or by phone at 800-928-6381.

Contact Information

Click here for a list of Kentucky colleges and universities offering alternative certification programs.

For more information on alternative routes to teacher certification in Kentucky, contact the Education Professional Standards Board, Attn: Alternative Routes Coordinator, 100 Airport Rd., Third floor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 or email [email protected], indicating in the subject line the option in which you are interested.

For specific information on Option 5, email [email protected].

For specific information on Option 8, contact Teach for America –Appalachia, 470 East Main Street, Suite 1, Hazard, KY 41701 or telephone 606-436-6000.