Kansas Substitute Teaching License


The Kansas State Department of Education issues Initial Substitute Licenses or Emergency Substitute Licenses to all first-time applicants for substitute teaching who have never held a Kansas teaching license and who meet the following requirements.

Education Requirements

To receive an Initial Substitute License, you must have completed a Kansas or out-of-state approved teacher preparation program and have at least a bachelor’s degree. Official transcripts and verification from your institution’s licensing officer must be sent with your application. Find teacher preparation programs here.

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If you have completed at least 60 college credits, you may be eligible for an Emergency Substitute License.


No experience (beyond the student teaching that is required in all teacher preparation programs) is necessary to obtain an Initial Substitute License or Emergency Substitute License.

Criminal History Background Check

As an applicant for Initial Substitute and Emergency Substitute Licensing, you must undergo a criminal history background check as part of the application process. Fill out the fingerprint card, which will be provided to you by your college’s licensure officer or may be ordered online via this link. Take it to your local police station, where your fingerprints will be taken and where you will sign the card in the presence of a law enforcement officer. You must mail the card along with a check for the necessary fees to the Kansas State Department of Education, Teacher Education and Licensure, 120 SE 10th Avenue, Topeka, Kansas 66612-1182.

Additional Information

If you have an Initial Substitute Teaching license, you may not work for more than 90 days in any one teaching assignment. Those who possess an Emergency Substitute Teaching license may not work for more than 30 days in one teaching assignment.

Applications and Deadlines

Mail the Application for Substitute Teaching License along with necessary fees and supporting documentation to the Kansas State Department of Education, Teacher Education and Licensure, 120 SE 10th Avenue, Topeka, Kansas 66612-1182. Once you receive your substitute license, it may be renewed after five years if during that time you have completed 50 professional development points and submitted the renewal application.

Contact Information

For more information on Kansas substitute teaching licenses, visit this link or contact the Kansas State Department of Education at 785-291-3678.