Iowa Teacher Certification Renewal


Learn how to renew a Professional Educator Certification or reinstate a Professional Educator Certification in Iowa

Teaching Certification Renewal

Your Initial Teaching License may be converted to a Standard License after two years, if you meet the following requirements:

  • Complete the Application for Conversion from an Initial to a Standard License
  • Enclose an application fee of $85
  • Have your school administrator complete Section II of the application, verifying that you have completed the mentoring and induction program, have two full years of teaching experience and meet or exceed the standards for Iowa teachers
  • Mail all of the above information to the Board of Educational Examiners, Licensure, Grimes State Office Building, 400 E. 14th St., Des Moines, IA 50319-0147.

Once you receive your Standard License, it is valid for five years. It may be renewed when you meet the following requirements:

  • Complete six credits during the five-year validity period of your license. Credits must meet one or a combination of the following prerequisites:
    • Be from a regionally accredited college/university and add depth to your current endorsement
    • Be from a regionally accredited college/university counting towards the completion of a graduate degree
    • Be from a regionally accredited college/university and lead to completing requirements for an additional endorsement
    • Be from Iowa licensure renewal courses approved by the Board of Educational Examiners
    • Up to four credits may be earned by receiving certification from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (enclose a copy of the certificate)
    • One credit may be earned for acquiring three points from a combination of the following activities:
      • Mentoring a full-semester student teacher for 12 or more weeks (worth 2 points)
      • Mentoring a full-semester student teacher for less than 12 weeks (worth 1 point)
      • Mentoring a practicum student for 60 contact hours (worth 1 point)
      • Attending a teachers’ workshop with a student you are mentoring (worth 1 point)
      • Serving for more than one year as a member of a teacher education program’s advisory committee (worth 1 point)
  • Complete the mandatory child and dependent adult abuse mandatory reporter training (if working in an Iowa public school system or if you have an Iowa address)
  • Send verification of the credits above along with your completed application (download the application here), fees of $85, and any other supporting documents to: Board of Educational Examiners, Licensure, Grimes State Office Building, 400 E. 14th St., Des Moines, IA 50319-0147

Reinstatement of Certification

If you let your Iowa teaching license expire, you will be charged a $25 per month late fee (up to $150 maximum) in addition to the $85 renewal fee to reinstate it. However, if you have not been teaching in Iowa since your license expired, you will not be charged a late fee. You must also meet all of the renewal requirements above to reinstate an expired license. Use the application form listed under license renewal.