Indiana Teacher Certification Renewal
Learn how to renew a Professional Educator Certification or reinstate a Professional Educator Certification in Indiana
Teaching Certification Renewal
Once you obtain your Initial Practitioner License, you have two years to complete the Indiana Mentoring and Assessment Program (IMAP). This two-year mentoring period is necessary in order to obtain your Proficient Practitioner License. Your mentor will help you with curriculum issues, classroom situations and other daily problems that may arise in your teaching career. At the end of the second year, you, your mentor and your supervisor will complete the IMAP Assessment Tool. This must be submitted by your school district at the time you apply online through the LVIS system to obtain a Proficient Practitioner License.
Your Proficient Practitioner License is valid for five years. During that time, you must complete one of the following:
- Six semester hours of credit in your certification area at an accredited Indiana college/university
- Six semester hours of credit in your certification area at an accredited out-of-state college/university
- A Professional Growth Plan (PGP), consisting of documented professional growth experiences coordinated with your school district
- National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification
If you wish to obtain an Accomplished/ Professional Practitioner License, you must have five years of teaching experience and a Proficient Practitioner License, and obtain a master’s degree or NBPTS certification. The Accomplished/Professional Practitioner License is valid for 10 years.
Reinstatement of Certification
There is no penalty for letting an Indiana educator license expire. However, before it may be renewed, you must complete the requirements described above.