Florida Substitute Teaching License


Every public school district in Florida has its own requirements and hiring process for substitute teachers. The Florida Department of Education does not issue special certificates or permits for substitute teachers.

Contact Information

All substitute teachers must have at least a high school diploma (or equivalent). If you have no classroom teaching experience, the school district must provide you with training on classroom management skills and instructional strategies prior to allowing you to work in the classroom. You must also be trained in the school district’s school safety policies and procedures, ethics, professional responsibilities and liability laws.

Want to learn how to earn a professional teaching certification? Contact schools offering teaching certification programs in Florida.

Ongoing training and professional development that is available to certified teachers must also be made available to substitute teachers in the same school district.


Although you do not need any specific experience to become a substitute teacher, if you have no experience, a district will provide you with classroom management and instructional training.

Criminal History Background Check

Once hired as a substitute teacher in a Florida school, you must have a criminal history background check performed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This involves submitting fingerprints through the public school district’s personnel office. If your fingerprint results return clear, you will be issued a teaching certificate within 30 days of the Bureau of Educator Certification receiving the request from your district.

If you work for a nonpublic school in Florida, your employer will give you a fingerprint card and instructions on where to have the background check completed. You will return the completed card and processing fee to your employer, who will forward it to the Bureau of Educator Certification. Once the FBI and FDLE have cleared you for employment, within 30 days the Bureau will notify your employer and issue your teaching certificate.

If your fingerprinting results return a criminal record, your application will be forwarded to the Bureau of Professional Practices Services for review. They will contact you regarding the necessary information to resolve the situation and determine your eligibility to have a teaching certificate issued.

Additional Information

Depending upon the school district for which you work, you may be permitted to choose the grade level and/or subject you wish to teach. All school districts will assess the performance of substitute teachers who work for 30 or more days in one classroom.


Depending upon the school district for which you work, you may be permitted to choose the grade level and/or subject you wish to teach. All school districts will assess the performance of substitute teachers who work for 30 or more days in one classroom.

Contact Information

Contact the Florida public school district you are interested in working for as a substitute teacher for more information.