Delaware Teacher Reciprocity Agreements

Delaware offers the opportunity for professionally certified educators in other states to apply for and receive a Delaware teaching license through reciprocity agreements. However, your certification must be current at the time of application. To learn more about the process of applying for a Delaware teaching certification through reciprocity, explore the Delaware Department of Education website or contact the licensing division at (302) 857-3388.

The following are member states of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement who have signed reciprocity agreements with Delaware.

AlabamaKansasNew HampshireSouth Dakota
ArizonaKentuckyNew JerseyTennessee
ArkansasLouisianaNew MexicoTexas
CaliforniaMaineNew YorkUtah
ColoradoMarylandNorth CarolinaVermont
ConnecticutMassachusettsNorth DakotaVirginia
GeorgiaMississippiOklahomaWest Virginia
IllinoisNebraskaRhode Island
IndianaNevadaSouth Carolina