California Teacher Reciprocity Agreements
California offers individuals who have completed a teacher preparation program and have been issued a teaching certification in another state the opportunity to apply for a California teaching certification through reciprocity agreements. The exact process for certification will differ depending on the amount of professional experience you have gained and the type of certification you wish to receive. To learn more about your particular path toward certification through reciprocity, explore the information listed on the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing website.
The following states are members of the NASDTEC Interstate Reciprocity Agreements and have signed a reciprocity agreement with California.
Alabama | Kentucky | New Jersey | Tennessee |
Arizona | Louisiana | New Mexico | Texas |
Colorado | Maine | New York | Utah |
Connecticut | Maryland | North Carolina | Vermont |
Delaware | Massachusetts | North Dakota | Virginia |
Florida | Michigan | Ohio | Washington |
Georgia | Mississippi | Oklahoma | West Virginia |
Hawaii | Missouri | Oregon | Wisconsin |
Idaho | Montana | Pennsylvania | Wyoming |
Illinois | Nebraska | Rhode Island | |
Indiana | Nevada | South Carolina | |
Kansas | New Hampshire | South Dakota |