Arizona Teacher Certification Renewal


Learn how to renew a Professional Educator Certification or reinstate a Professional Educator Certification in Arizona

Teaching Certification Renewal

Within two months of the expiration of your three-year Arizona Provisional Teaching Certificate, you must apply to have it converted to a Standard Teaching Certificate.

Requirements include completion of the Application to Convert, which is to be mailed along with a photocopy of your fingerprint card, application fee, verification of two years of full-time teaching experience and any additional education requirements of your certification class (including additional required SEI Training). Send this information to the Phoenix or Tucson office of the Arizona Department of Education-Certification Unit.

Once you have a Standard Teaching Certificate, it is valid for six years. You must fulfill certain requirements to renew this certificate. These include completing 180 clock hours of professional development or 12 semester hours of education courses verified by transcript and by your school district. Documentation for professional development is required and must be mailed with your Renewal Application. Acceptable documentation is listed on the application.

You may apply for renewal of your Standard Teaching Certificate within six months of its six-year expiration date. Along with your completed Renewal Application, you must send:

  • A photocopy of your fingerprint card
  • Renewal fees
  • District Verification and Applicant Verification of Professional Development hours
  • Completed Criminal History disclosure (included with the application)

Mail all of the above to the Arizona Department of Education at its Phoenix or Tucson address.

Reinstatement of Certification

Your Arizona Standard Teaching Certificate may be renewed within one year after expiration if you are not currently employed under the certificate. If your certificate expired more than one year ago, you must re-apply for certification and meet the qualifications that were necessary at the time you first obtained the teaching certificate.