Alabama Substitute Teaching License


Substitute teaching can be a great position for individuals at many points in their lives. Whether one is looking at substitute teaching as an end point job or as a job to decide whether or not to eventually become a professional teacher, substitute teaching can be an informative and satisfying experience.

The following are the requirements necessary for an individual to earn their substitute teaching license in Alabama:

Employer Recommendation

Prior to your employment as a substitute teacher, your future employer (superintendent or administrator from employing school system) will need to recommend you for substitute teacher licensure by completing form SUB.  This form can be found on the Alabama Department of Education website.

Education Requirements

You will need to provide Official Transcripts or a copy of your high school diploma to verify your graduation from the high school level of education.

Want to learn how to earn a professional teaching certification? Contact schools offering teaching certification programs in Alabama.

Criminal History Background Check

All applicants for substitute teaching in Alabama will have to complete a Criminal History Background Check through the Alabama Bureau of Investigation (ABI) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The certification/licensure applicant will be fingerprinted and will need to authorize their criminal history information to be submitted for review by the Alabama Department of Education. Fees are associated with the fingerprinting service.

Locations for third party fingerprinting services will be at your local police department or through additional locations that will be disclosed through your education program’s certification officer.

Contact Information

For more information about substitute teaching availability in your area, contact your local school districts or private school systems.

If you have additional questions and concerns regarding the process of substitute licensing in the state of Alabama, contact the Alabama Department of Education by phone: (334) 242-9977 or through their website.