Louisiana Teaching Salaries and Benefits


While Louisiana is widely associated with the cultural qualities of its food, cities, festivals, and people, the state also seeks to add another tradition to the list: a tradition of high quality education.

Louisiana is home to over 703,000 public school students, all requiring unique teaching methods and systems of support to suceed. To provide this high level of support, Louisiana hopes to attract and retain more effective teachers in the state.

By not only providing its teachers with competitive pay, but also with employee benefits, Louisiana ensures teachers are given the same support the state offers to students.

Learn more about becoming a teacher. Contact schools offering teacher education/certification programs in Louisiana.

Teacher Salaries in Louisiana by Education

As teachers further their educations and gain experience in the field, they receive pay increases that reflect their dedication and hard work. Salaries vary between school districts, but the following are some examples of the salaries you can expect in Louisiana:

At 3 years$41,001$41,040
At 6 years$42,274$43,027
At 9 years$43,464$44,678
At 12 years$44,887$46,440

Source: East Baton Rouge Parish School System

Retiring in Louisiana

While it might seem too far off to even consider, the earlier you start thinking about retirement, the more likely you’ll live comfortably into older age. Most private workers set aside money for these later years, but in Louisiana, you’ll have access to a public pension system ensuring lifelong benefits.

All teachers automatically enroll in the Teachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana once they’re hired at a public school in the state. The TRSL is a defined benefit plan and the largest public retirement system in Louisiana.

As a member of the TRSL, both you and your employer contribute a portion of your salary to the plan so it is funded for future retirees. In the plan, you pay 8% of your salary, while your employer contributes an additional 24.5%.

Once you reach normal retirement age, you are eligible to receive your lifetime monthly benefits. In Louisiana, you reach normal retirement if you meet the following qualifications:

  • At age 60 with five years of service
  • At any age with 20 years of service

Your total contributions don’t actually factor into your retirement benefits – in fact, your total benefits will far outweigh any contributions you make throughout your career. For example, the TRSL estimates that even if a teacher contributed $50,000 to the fund in their career, they could receive up to $335,000 in annuity payments.

Instead, your monthly benefits are calculated with a formula set by the Louisiana legislature. You can calculate your formula by estimating the following:

Years of Service
multiplied by
Final Average Compensation
multiplied by

According to the TSRL, the average monthly benefit teachers receive is $2,025. However, the retirement formula may change over time, so speak with your future employer regarding retirement benefits.

If you’re interested in learning more about retiring in Louisiana, contact the TSRL .

Access to Affordable Health Insurance

When accidents arise, you want to be sure you’re ready for any unexpected financial difficulties. With health care costs ever rising, teachers worry more than ever about expensive prescription costs, check-ups, and emergency services.

For teachers in Louisiana, these issues are less pressing thanks to a substantial public employee health insurance system. Teachers in Louisiana gain access to health insurance coverage through the Office of Group Benefits.

The Office of Group Benefits offers teachers a great deal of choice when picking a health care plan to meet their needs and the needs of their families. Each plan features unique qualities that differ in their costs, levels of coverage, and network providers.

Teachers can learn more about these specific plans by exploring the OGB website .

Despite their differences, most health plans offer coverage for similar medical services. Some covered services include:

  • Prescription Drug Coverage
  • Mental Health Treatments
  • Physician Services
  • Routine Nursing Services
  • Laboratory Examinations
  • Ambulance Services

If you’re interested in exploring more about the health insurance options available to you as a teacher, and other covered services, contact the Office of Group Benefits.