Kansas Teaching Certification
Kansas Ed. Statistics
Avg. Elem. Teacher Salary* | $50,650 |
Avg. Sec. Teacher Salary* | $52,050 |
Avg. Admin. Salary* | $87,140 |
Teacher Retention (?) | 94% |
Vacation Wks/Yr | 15 |
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Initial Kansas Teaching Certification
The Kansas State Department of Education recently announced that a total of 72 public schools in the state received the Governor’s Achievement Award. This distinction was awarded to schools that achieved Standard of Excellence recognition in reading and mathematics in 2011, in addition to making Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), and qualifying within the top five percent of schools in reading and mathematics based on 2011 state assessments. Forty-three elementary schools, 11 middle or junior high schools, and 18 high schools in Kansas received this award. Find schools offering teaching certification programs in Kansas.
Education Requirements
Under rules set by the Kansas State Department of Education (785-296-3201), if you wish to become a licensed teacher in Kansas, you must complete an approved teacher preparation program in Kansas. These teacher preparation programs are typically part of bachelor’s degree programs, but if you already hold a bachelor’s degree, graduate degree programs are also available. Additionally, you must meet a recency requirement of having completed at least 8 credited hours (or one year of teaching experience) within the last six years.
If you attend a teacher preparation program in another state, your credits will be accepted by the Kansas State Board of Education if the teacher licensing /certification agency in that state accepts them.
If your teacher preparation program took place in another country, you must obtain a credential evaluation report from one of the credential evaluation agencies shown here. A course-by-course evaluation of your credits is necessary for the Kansas State Department of Education to determine which, if any, requirements you still need to fulfill to become a licensed teacher in Kansas.
Licensing/Licensure Options
The Kansas State Department of Education issues three types of Standard Teaching Licenses:
- Initial Teaching License – this license, valid for two years, is the license most commonly applied for by recent graduates of Kansas teacher preparation programs
- Professional Teaching License – valid for five years and issued if you hold an initial license, have three years of recent teaching experience, and have completed a performance assessment
- Accomplished Teaching License – this license is available only if you have completed all requirements for National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification. It is valid for ten years.
A complete listing of all endorsement areas in Kansas in which you may become licensed can be found here.
Go to the Praxis website for a complete overview of examination requirements for Kansas teachers.
Basic skills testing:
Before becoming enrolled in a Kansas teacher preparation program, you will likely need to take the Praxis Core basic skills examination. In addition, all candidates for initial teacher licensure in Kansas must take one of the four Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching exams.
Content area assessment testing:
The Kansas State Department of Education requires you to pass the Praxis II exam(s) corresponding to the content area(s) in which you plan to teach. Content/endorsement areas available include:
- Early Childhood Unified
- Elementary
- Middle School:
- English Language Arts Grades 5-8
- History Comprehensive Grades 5-8
- Mathematics Grades 5-8
- Science Grades 5-8
- Secondary School:
- Agriculture
- Biology
- Business Education
- Chemistry
- Earth and Space Science
- English Language Arts Grades 6-12
- Family and Consumer Science
- History and Government Grades 6-12
- Journalism (no test required)
- Mathematics Grades 6-12
- Physics
- Psychology
- Speech/Theatre
- Technology Education
- Communication Technology
- Power, Energy, Transportation Technology
- Production Technology
- All Grades:
- Art (Pre K-12)
- French
- German
- Health
- Latin
- Music: General
- Music: Instrumental
- Music: Vocal
- Physical Education
- Spanish
- Special Education:
- Adaptive Special Education
- Functional Special Education
- Gifted
- Teachers of Deaf or Hard of Hearing Students
- Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments
- English for Speakers of Other Languages
Experience Requirements
As a student enrolled in a Kansas teacher preparation program, or in an out-of-state teacher preparation program at any accredited college or university, you must complete a student teaching internship following the completion of your coursework and in addition to the practicum component of your teacher preparation program.
The length of this field experience will vary depending upon the policies of your teacher preparation program. During this time, you will be placed in a classroom that is grade-level and content area- appropriate to your teaching plans after graduation. A supervising classroom teacher will act as your mentor, assessing and providing feedback on your performance. You may be asked to prepare and implement lesson plans, lead the class, and observe your teacher as he or she performs daily classroom duties.
Document and Application Requirements
Once you have successfully completed all educational requirements, fulfilled your student teaching commitment, and passed all necessary examinations, you may apply for initial teaching licensure in Kansas. The licensure officer at your Kansas college or university will assist you with the application process, which is usually done online. You must complete your part of the application then submit it electronically to your college or university’s administrative office to complete. You must also pay the application fees online.
If you attended an out-of-state teacher preparation program, you will use Form 2 to apply for Kansas teaching licensure. Along with having your institution verify your completion of the program, you must attach official transcripts, any verification of employment, a copy of any out-of-state certificates or licenses you hold, test score reports (if you took them in another state), an application fee, as well as your fingerprint card and information pertaining to your background check as detailed below. You will mail all these documents to Kansas State Department of Education, Teacher Education and Licensure, 120 SE 10th Avenue, Topeka, Kansas 66612-1182.
If you attended college in another country, use this application form to apply for teaching licensure in Kansas. Along with the information listed above, you must attach your credential evaluation report, scores from any pre-licensure assessments, and scores from English proficiency exams you may have taken. Mail this information to the address above.
Criminal History Background Check
When applying for an initial Kansas teaching license, you must submit to a criminal history background check as part of the application process. You must use the fingerprint card, which will be provided to you by your college’s licensure officer or may be ordered online via this link. Fill the card out completely but do not sign it until you are in front of the law enforcement officer who will take your fingerprints. This may be done at your local police station or Sheriff’s office. You are responsible for paying all fees and mailing the completed card to Kansas State Department of Education, Teacher Education and Licensure, 120 SE 10th Avenue, Topeka, Kansas 66612-1182. A teaching license will not be issued until the background check has been cleared.
Contact Information
If you want further information on approved teacher preparation programs at colleges and universities in Kansas, get in touch with the licensure contacts at one of the institutions listed here.
If you desire more information on the teacher licensing process in Kansas, contact the Kansas State Department of Education at 785-296-3201.
*2019 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data – Conditions in your area may vary.
**Teacher Retention Sources – U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education, Statistics Schools and Staffing Survey, 1999–2000 (“Public School Teacher Questionnaire,” “Private School Teacher Questionnaire,” and “Public Charter School Teacher Questionnaire”),
and 2000–01 Teacher Follow-up Survey (“Questionnaire for Current Teachers” and “Questionnaire for Former Teachers,” Table 1.01). Washington, DC.
State estimations based on analysis by Richard Ingersoll, Professor of Education and Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, from the National Center for Education Statistics Student and Staffing Survey, and therefore include a slight margin of error.