Nevada Administration/Principal Certification


The Nevada Department of Education offers an Administrator endorsement to qualified applicants who already hold a Nevada teaching license and wish to become elementary or secondary school principals, vice principals, superintendents, associate superintendents, or assistant superintendents.

Education Requirements

To receive an Administrator endorsement, you must have at least a master’s degree and complete a program in educational leadership/educational administration for grades K-12. Among your courses:

  • 24 semester hours must be at the graduate level and be focused on school administration, including:
    • Organization/administration of schools
    • Supervision/evaluation of instruction
    • Personnel development
    • School finances
    • School law
    • Curriculum
    • Research
  • 12 semester hours must be at the graduate level and consist of general administrative courses for educators

Learn more about the graduate school process. Contact schools offering educational administration degree programs in Nevada.


Experience Requirements

  • You must hold a Nevada teaching license and have at least three years of teaching experience
  • You must complete an internship or field experience in a school administration program

Document and Application Requirements

Once you have completed the above requirements, fill out the Application for Additional Endorsement. Along with the application, submit:

  • Official transcripts documenting receipt of at least a master’s degree and completion of a program in educational administration
  • A copy of your Nevada teaching license
  • Verification of three years of teaching experience
  • Application fee

Mail all of the above to one of the Licensure Offices of the Nevada Department of Education: Northern Office, 700 East Fifth St., Suite 105, Carson City, NV 89701-5096; or Southern Office, 9890 South Maryland Parkway, Suite 231, Room 23405, Las Vegas, NV 89183.

Criminal History Background Check

As you already hold a Nevada teaching license, you need not undergo another criminal history background check to add an Administrator endorsement.

Contact Information

Contact an accredited institution to find out more about their educational leadership/administration programs.
Call the Licensure Office at 702-486-6458 for more information on administrator endorsements.