Arkansas Teacher Reciprocity Agreements
For certified teachers from other states, Arkansas offers the ability to gain teaching certification through reciprocity agreements. There are multiple avenues to certification through reciprocity depending on the amount of prior teaching experience you have. For specific information about the process of gaining your teaching certification through Arkansas’ reciprocity agreements, explore the Arkansas Department of Education website or contact the Arkansas Professional Licensure Coordinator by calling 501-682-4342.
The following states are members of the Interstate Recpriprocity Agreement and have signed an agreement with Arkansas.
Alabama | Kansas | New Hampshire | South Dakota |
Arizona | Kentucky | New Jersey | Tennessee |
California | Louisiana | New Mexico | Texas |
Colorado | Maine | New York | Utah |
Connecticut | Maryland | North Carolina | Vermont |
Delaware | Massachusetts | North Dakota | Virginia |
Florida | Michigan | Ohio | Washington |
Georgia | Mississippi | Oklahoma | West Virginia |
Hawaii | Missouri | Oregon | Wisconsin |
Idaho | Montana | Pennsylvania | Wyoming |
Illinois | Nebraska | Rhode Island | |
Indiana | Nevada | South Carolina |